04 August 2009

"The Art of Doing Nothing" ή αλλιώς "Δεν κάνω τίποτα γιατί θέλω να Πετύχω"!

Όλοι μας χρειαζόμαστε ελεύθερο χρόνο, και όλοι μας έχουμε ανάγκη να ξεκουραζόμαστε από την εργασία.
Στην τελική, ακόμη και ο Κύριος αναπαύτηκε μετά τη Δημιουργία. «Αναπαύθηκε την έβδομη ημέρα από όλο το Έργο που είχε δημιουργήσει" (Γένεσις 2:2).

Εκτός από τους λόγους ψυχικής και γενικότερης υγείας των διακοπών, υπάρχουν και σοβαροί λόγοι κερδοφορίας και αποτελεσματικότητας στη φιλοσοφία του «Να μην κάνω τίποτα»!

Για κοιτάξτε τα άρθρα αυτά:
The Value of Nothing

When Doing Nothing is Best


Art of doing nothing

No.1 Time Management Skill: Doing Nothing

Γενικά πάντως η καλύτερη ανάλυση είναι αυτή που ακολουθεί και αναλύει την αξία του να είναι κάποιος slacker (έτσι λέγεται ο φυγόπονος στο χωριό του Θέμη)

According to Webster's Dictionary, a slacker is "a person who shirks work or obligation." But lest we allow Webster's to be the be-all and end-all of the English language, urbandictionary.com has a different definition; "a person who chooses the path of least resistance." More, "a slacker is someone who, while being intelligent, doesn't really feel like doing anything." And even, "a nice person to chill with." Slackers, it's clear, have a knack for inertia and a way with "nothingness."

"Slacker" has been so potent a label that it's inspired two movies: "Slacker" in 1991, and "Slackers" in 2002. And while the word "slacker" brings to mind images of a flannel shirt-clad Ethan Hawke, brooding his way through "Reality Bites," there's actually a long history behind the surly pose of the disaffected 20-something.

Sarah Dunn, author of the "Official Slacker Handbook," notes that, "a lot has been said about the slacker's trademark indolence, but the point must be made that deliberately opting out of socially-recognized forms of activity isn't the same thing as stumbling into inaction." In other words, Dunn argues, slacking off isn't just laziness--it's pointed laziness with a philosophical basis.

In Europe, the average vacation time is 5 weeks per year. Ιn North America, it’s 2 weeks, and even that is stretching it. I know people that even when they are on vacation, they still carry around their laptop and cell phone, and are never truly disconnected from their work. You see, real time off means that it’s time to focus on yourself. A few weeks ago, I went up north to a cottage with a friend and for the whole day, I did not turn on my cell phone or checked emails. That’s one of my most important rules for vacation time, whether I leave 1 week or 1 day. I disconnect myself completely from work and every day life. So imagine, with very little vacation time we already have compared with the rest of the world, we still pollute this very little time with such things that do not belong on a vacation. Do yourself a favor and next time you take some time off, do not use your phone or a computer. Only then can you truly take full advantage of your time off.

You have to learn to put yourself first. This is why taking adequate time away from your routine is so crucial. Most people do not meditate or relax in any way throughout the whole year. So their vacation time is truly the last bastion of relaxation they have. Taking good care of your mental psyche includes having the initiative of giving yourself the proper time to relax and unwind. Clearing your mind is not only good for reducing all the stress that you accumulate during everyday life, but it is also useful in terms of taking a step back and re-assessing what you are doing and what direction you are undertaking.

I can tell you that a lot of creative ideas came to me while I was vacationing. Once you “take out the trash” mentally, and have a clean slate to think on, you will be amazed at the ideas and creativity that comes out. Usually, during your routine, you have so many things to think about that there is just simply no time nor room for out-of-the-box thinking. Looking from a different angle or perspective can really open your eyes to things you may have never thought about before.

These days, some of our most famous thinkers would be considered slackers. After all, Thoreau lived comfortably at Walden while only working six weeks a year and Descartes devised Cartesian geometry while hanging around the streets of Holland. And though "slacker" is often considered an insult or an accusation, some choose to reclaim the term as a sign of creativity and resourcefulness.

As Winnie the Pooh once said, "Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing."

Κοινώς, τεμπελιάστε άφοβα!

Καλές βουτίες!

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